Final Fantasy 3 Sketch bug guide by Master ZED ( *OR* Table of Contents: Non-numbered. Warning 0. Version history 1. Intro 2. How to use the bug, step by step 3. Potential effects 4. Why the bug occurs - for the casual gamer 5. Why the bug occurs - for the SNES technical know-it-all - Why the bug DOESN'T occur in FF3us v1.1 6. Offset list 7. Enemy formation recommendations - If the spell is available... - If the spell is not available... 8. Special notes 9. Credits Non-numbered. Legal bull *WARNING* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document does not endorse in any way the use of this bug on the actual SNES as there are rumors that the Sketch bug, in some rare cases, "erases" saved games (IOW, it may corrupt something in the save data that subsequently makes the game not recognize saves due to an incorrect checksum). As to avoid this issue entirely, use of the bug is recommended only on emulators, and backing up in-game saves is recommended anyway as unwanted after-effects of the bug could potentially still exist after reloading, although saving and reloading will get rid of some of these effects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Version history ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- v1.081 (9:12 PM 10/27/2005) Warning re-edited to exclude cart frying. The same person that mailed me about it sent another letter awhile back saying that it was an old, nearly dead cart that got destroyed, and a later test on another cart was rather typical. Eh. Not being able to get another cart got in the way of making sure of that one. Section 6 edited to remove RPGOne info. It's no different than the official games. I goofed, and didn't verify that. Sorry. Luckily, no other section mentioned the supposed "shifted offsets," so no other changes were made. -------------------- -------------------- v1.08 (???) Warning edited to include cartridge frying. I dunno if its true or not personally, but I did get one first-hand account of it happening. Until I can find a cheap cart and test the bug on it, we won't know for sure. FYI, the e-mail stated that the game was fried by Sketching Ninja, a mould 0 enemy. Multi-section update to accomodate formation mould theory. Section 7 overhauled and renamed to Mould listing. Section 9 updated. -------------------- -------------------- v1.025 (???) Multiple sections edited to incorporate transformation changes to unknown byte (sections 2 and 4, 7 merely has a note added acknowledging the new info for the time being). A third special note added to include Equip Anything bug information. -------------------- -------------------- v1.0 (10:23 PM 8/6/2004) Initial release. -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Intro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The infamous Sketch bug... what FF6 internet junkie hasn't heard of this bug? The effects are spectacular indeed: the item inventory being rewritten in random places, equipment changes, evil graphic glitches, character sprites temporarily morphing into other people like General Leo for instance, game freezes and blackouts, erased saves, even emulator crashes. This bug was discovered long ago and yet if you tried to look up how it worked, all you could find for years was nothing but myths, rumors, and erroneous information. Try to find how to use it, and the best advice you could get was that vanished monsters and a returning Gau could cause it, but it could also creep out of nowhere at any time. Everything else was untrustworthy. The only other valid information you could find was that Square fixed this bug in a v1.1 of the Final Fantasy 3 cartridge and in the PS versions, and that the bug was put in the original FF3us cart during the translation as the original FF6 japanese cart supposedly didn't carry it. Heck, the only hardcore evidence v1.1 existed most likely came from when the ROM was put out on the net ready to be pirated, and that was probably within the last couple of years. For being the most popular bug, no one seemed to know much about it... Until now. On June 21, 2004, in what's going to make me sound like an egotistical jackass I'm sure, I was finally able to track down the source of and break apart the inner workings of the Sketch bug. After that, everything fell into place: how it worked, why it worked, and how to call upon the bug without fail. One of the longest lasting, great gameplay secrets of Final Fantasy 6 had finally been solved. And I'm ready to share it with the world, in detail. How to, why, the effects, who to practice against, all of it. This guide will tell you everything. Well, except for effects on the cartridge (potentially lost saved games being the reason). I'm not about to encourage that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. How to use the bug, step by step ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. This only works on FF3us v1.0. Your emulator may be able to tell you if you're playing the right version, but if you don't see any clues and refuse to download something else to tell you, the Sketch bug will tell you just by using it. Also, try to restrict usage to the world map even if I don't say as such, as anywhere but world maps can freeze. 1. You must know some spells. Namely, we're looking for one with an aiming byte the same as Mute (target only one enemy), and more than likely, you'll want Mute itself as that's the easiest way to use the bug. I'll use a character with a full spell list for the example. 2. You must rearrange the spell list so that Mute or another spell with the same aiming value is in spell slot 28 in the in-battle Magic menu. For a full list (or perhaps one that has very few spells), use Magic Order 3. That will set up Mute as spell 28. If you know more than a few spells, the game may "compress" the list so that later spells on the subscreen menu appear much earlier. If this occurs, you can either learn more spells or try different spells and arrangements (but make sure they have the same aiming as Mute). 3. Put this character into the first character slot (the lead position). 3.5. There are three variants of the bug found so far, all concerning Mute at spell 28; one triggers when the 28th spell is available, one triggers when it isn't available from the beginning of battle, and another is found by making the spell unavailable during combat. You can control this with Imp status. It is up to you whether you want to Imp the first character or not. The other known factor, the one that makes the most difference, concerns the formation's mould. The mould is what determines the size of the monsters it can hold, for example, mould 1 holds only small monsters, mould 6 only holds one gigantic enemy like Atma, and so forth. There are 13 moulds in all, and each has a different Sketch bug effect. Individual monster formations that have different effects are listed in both sections 7 and 8. 4. Enter battle and do not use the first character for Magic! This may change an unknown factor and cause you to become incapable of triggering the bug this battle. Also be careful about Imp transformations; changing the character to/from an Imp can change the unknown byte as well (changing them back if they have Imp from the beginning will simply make the spell available again, it won't affect any other bits). 5. Make sure Sketch will miss. Cast Vanish if you must (but again, don't use the first character for this). Other ways to miss are to make sure you target a character or use it against a high level monster with a low level character. In the former case, it will always miss, so a returning Gau and if it were possible, Kefka, would work. In the latter, you have a higher probability of missing than you usually would, but there's no guarantee. 6. Once you're sure you can't land Sketch on one particular target, fail a Sketch attempt! The first character can do the Sketch if you want, the only thing to be worried about before was Magic use. Also, the Sketch target doesn't matter, all that matters is the mould of the formation you use it against. 7. If there are after-effects for the bug listed or you encounter any, it may be best to make a normal game save, reset, and continue. This is the best chance you have of eliminating unwanted garbage, though changed equipment will not be returned to normal doing this. 8. The Sketch bug didn't work and you know you followed every step to the letter? That means you're playing on v1.1. For those of you unfortunate enough to be in this situation, you can use this PAR code to bypass Square's fix: C2F5E680 Once that's in place, try again and the Sketch bug should definitely show up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Potential effects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the potential effects of the bug as I have personally witnessed. These go from immediately seen to other effects as soon as you're capable of witnessing them. 1. On-screen graphic glitches. This is almost always how you know the Sketch bug has occurred successfully, though you won't know to what effect until you try something, unless you've learned which visual signs are connected to which long-term effects (item inventory usually). Things like character sprite swaps, on-screen ailments that don't exist, disappearing enemies, zeroed timers in the enemy name list, and cursor invisibility are all things I've seen from this. Some other effects may appear if you try a spell whose graphics cover the screen afterward, like Ultima or Merton. These are cleared upon leaving battle, though. If they aren't, the monster you used the bug on may not be a desirable opponent for future attempts and a reset/ save state reload is recommended. 2. Blackouts, freezeups, and screen jumbles. Sometimes the game freezes as in you can't do anything, or the entire game just halts. Sometimes it goes berserk and starts looking like an Atari 2600 or Intellivision on crack. Still other times it just blacks out. In every case, it's reset or save state reload time. 3. SNES9x and ZSNES info; Sometimes the bug will crash emulators, namely, ZSNES Win. It will crash and exit if the bug goes completely out of control. SNES9x has a save state problem that this bug may exploit if it goes berserk. SNES9x (at least some versions, such as the one Geiger's build is based on) won't completely refresh the memory, which means after-effects such as game freezes may actually persist after reloading a save state. Only a ROM reload or game reset will clear this problem. 4. Item list errors. The best reason why you'd ever want to use this bug. This can write literally any item into your list and at any quantity an 8-bit unsigned integer can hold (from 0 to 255). In fact, you really want it to be 0 since that means you have 255 for certain if you sell one of that given item. 5. Equipment errors. In every instance I've seen to date, the game may overwrite your right hand equipment, almost always for the character in the fourth slot, although sometimes the second character is also affected. This does not mean the rest of your equipment is safe; take care when deciding what to equip for a Sketch bug attempt. 6. Permanent errors such as palette swaps. Sometimes, when you enter a town/ dungeon after the Sketch bug, you may get a sprite error. If you save after seeing this, the lead character palettes may always be incorrect from there on. This can be seen with Zone Eater, if you can escape the town/dungeon upon entering (sometimes you can't). If this happens after a particular formation is hit with the bug, you can try saving in-game and reloading before going anywhere besides a world map, as that may clear the problem. 7. Miscellaneous errors. These could be dangerous to the game as in escaping the battle won't save you from the effects of the bug. Intangir, for example, has been known for years as a dangerous monster to use the bug against specifically because it causes so many glitches, and that's IF you can defeat him or run away after the bug is used. If you see anything that's not listed here, it may be best to avoid using the Sketch bug against that monster. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Why the bug occurs - for the casual gamer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a nutshell, the reason this occurs is because a missed Sketch attempt will cause the game to load bad sprite data. You see, it doesn't matter if Sketch misses or not, the game will still load a monster's image for any Sketch attempt. However, on missed attempts, the game will go completely off-track and load from places it really shouldn't be. The first mistake it makes is loading the location of the monster sprite's data. Where does the game load from exactly when it misses? The first character's in-battle Magic list, specifically, spell 28. You don't have to worry about that stuff to the left of the colons if you don't want to, it's there for people who know what a PAR code is basically. 7E20FE: Spell index number 7E20FF: Unknown, determines spell availability 7E2100: Spell aiming 7E2101: MP cost The middle two are what we're looking at specifically. Unknown can change with spells cast by the first character or through Imp transformations mid- battle, so it would be best the the first character do nothing besides maybe the missed Sketch if you're looking for a bug exploit. Once the game loads this and calculates the monster sprite data's location from it, anything could happen. Most of the time it does nothing special, but there are specific cases where the game will go haywire. That's where we get the Sketch bug from. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Why the bug occurs - for the SNES technical know-it-all ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <-----NOTE-----> By technical, I don't mean you've been hacking for two weeks in FF3usME and think you're hot stuff; I mean you know 65816 assembly and are familiar with the registers and what-not. Just knowing 65816 will probably be enough. If not, an instruction listing and general programming knowledge will suffice if you have the patience. The former shouldn't be that hard to find, the latter comes from both reading and experience so if you don't have it, it may be awhile, if ever, before you understand this section completely. IOW, don't come crying to me if you're *completely* clueless. <-----NOTE-----> The function at C2/F5D2 ultimately is the function responsible for the bug. It loads the pointer value to be used in locating the monster sprite data. Here's the function as it appears in FF3us v1.0: C2:F5D2 A0 00 28 LDY #$2800 C2:F5D5 22 09 B1 C1 JSL $C1B109 C2:F5D9 AD 8D 89 LDA $898D C2:F5DC 29 FE AND #$FE C2:F5DE 8D 8D 89 STA $898D C2:F5E1 A0 03 00 LDY #$0003 C2:F5E4 B1 76 LDA ($76),Y C2:F5E6 0A ASL C2:F5E7 AA TAX C2:F5E8 C2 20 REP $20 C2:F5EA BD 01 20 LDA $2001,X C2:F5ED AA TAX C2:F5EE 7B TDC C2:F5EF E2 20 SEP $20 C2:F5F1 22 D1 24 C1 JSL $C124D1 C2:F5F5 4C 09 F8 JMP $F809 The problem begins at C2:F5E4. In the traces, the value loaded was from 7E:2D71. This is usually some low 8-bit value, if not zero. However, when Sketch misses, it returns a FFh value. That's where the Sketch bug begins. How was I able to tell? LDA $2001,X appears like this in the traces: $C2/F5EA: BD 01 20 LDA $2001,X [$7E:20FF] A:00FE X:00FE Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15CE P:envmxdIzC Note the $7E:20FF. Do you recognize it? No? It's the 28th spell in the first character's in-battle Magic list. Specifically, an unknown byte (7E:20FF) and the spell's aiming byte (7E:2100). They now make up a bad 16-bit value to be used in sprite loading from the X register. Here's how, beginning with the value reloaded from scratchpad RAM and ending with a size/palette loadup (sprites and moulds are loaded soon after this): $C1/24F7: A5 10 LDA $10 [$00:0010] A:0000 X:1000 Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15C7 P:envmxdIZC $C1/24F9: 0A ASL A A:417F X:1000 Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15C7 P:envmxdIzC $C1/24FA: 0A ASL A A:82FE X:1000 Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15C7 P:eNvmxdIzc $C1/24FB: 18 CLC A:05FC X:1000 Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15C7 P:envmxdIzC $C1/24FC: 65 10 ADC $10 [$00:0010] A:05FC X:1000 Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15C7 P:envmxdIzc $C1/24FE: AA TAX A:477B X:1000 Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15C7 P:envmxdIzc $C1/24FF: BF 02 70 D2 LDA $D27002,X [$D2:B77D] A:477B X:477B Y:0003 D:0000 DB:7E S:15C7 P:envmxdIzc $D2:B77D is where the real trouble can begin. That address is well beyond the monster sprite pointers and is in some hole in the ground elsewhere. Along with the rest of the monster sprite pointer data, Sketch's missed effect will now be determined by the bad data the game just loaded up. In the case shown here, it WILL be broken. 417Fh is a dangerous value to the FF3us system that once converted and used to pick up the sprite data (once it becomes 477Bh), will cause the Sketch bug to occur. --------------------------------------- Why the bug DOESN'T occur in FF3us v1.1 --------------------------------------- A check for the Negative flag and a subsequent corrective measure prevents the bug from ever seeing the light of day. The function is the same until C2:F5E6, where the check has been inserted as shown: C2:F5E4 - LDA ($76),Y C2:F5E6 - BPL $F5ED C2:F5E8 - LDX #$FFFF C2:F5EB - BRA $F5F8 What this does specifically is make the game accept FFFFh as the value it will calculate the pointer value for the monster sprite from whenever Sketch misses. With this in place, v1.1 will never see the Sketch bug. The rest of the function, while shifted down seven bytes, is virtually the same as before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Offset list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <-----NOTE-----> This contains offsets mentioned in the previous two sections that are important to the Sketch bug. <-----NOTE-----> ROM Offsets (FF3us only) C2:F5D2 - Sprite pointer location loadup, the function that causes the bug. C2:F5E6 - The location of Square's fix in the F5D2 function (v1.1 only). C2:F5EA - Location of LDA $2001,X, where the Sketch bug begins to take effect (v1.0 only). RAM Offsets 7E:200? - Where C2:F5D2 typically loads from. 7E:20FF - Where the Sketch bug loads from: unknown byte of spell 28 (Official versions only). Bit 7 = spell availability. The rest of the byte is affected by spells the first character casts in what appears to be a pattern unrelated to cast spells. Note that not all spells affect this byte. 7E:2100 - Where the Sketch bug loads from: Aiming of spell 28 (Official versions only). PAR codes C2F5E680 - Disable the Sketch bugfix (v1.1 only) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Mould lists ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These mould listings use the 16-bit hex number that should be at 7E:20FF. They are listed by easiest to get first. 417Fh is what you usually use. Normally, this is what you should start combat with if spell 28 has a single enemy target targeting config ala Mute. 41FFh is when you enter battle with an Imped first character or he is otherwise unable to cast spell 28 without further unknown byte manipulation. 41BFh is obtained easily only by turning the first character into an Imp during combat. If 7E:20FF is anything else, you're not going to get the Sketch bug (probably, so far no other values that are obtainable in the normal game have been found). To find out what formations have what mould, check out Lord J's FF3usME utility, found here: ...or search through this file at his site: As of right now, no such listing is in this guide, so you don't have much of a choice as far as looking up those links. :\ NOTE: Sometimes you can escape from inescapable battles, but it's generally not recommended. If you use the Sketch bug in a battle listed as escapable or something akin to that, and get a different effect than mentioned here/an effect not mentioned here, please contact me. Do NOT tell me about cart effects as I have no way to test them out. -------------------- Mould 0 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable. 41FFh: Inescapable. 41BFh: Inescapable. -------------------- Mould 1 -------------------- ------ 417Fh: Escapable, use only on overworld map. ------ NOTE: Beware using on the NeckHunter/Cruller/Humpty x2 or Kiwok/Poppers x3 groups. They may or may not crash the game, the former being more prone to crashes. To prevent such an occurance, try killing one of the enemies first. Visual description - Palette and graphic glitches, command menu changed to Short, character sprites changed temporarily. Item list (33 "different" Items total) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Slot |Item |Slot |Item |Slot |Item | |-----|------------------|-----|------------------|-----|------------------| | 51 |Rainbow Brsh x112 |100 |Dirk x(0) |188 |Poison Rod x(0) | | 52 |Gem Box x(0) |101 |Dirk x(0) |189 |Dirk x(0) | | 53 |Dirk x128 |115 |Dirk x(0) |190 |Tao Robe x(0) | | 54 |Zephyr Cape x(0) |116 |Dirk x 69 |191 |Dirk x182 | | 55 |Dirk x192 |117 |AutoCrossBow x240 |205 |Power Sash x178 | | 56 |Dirk x(0) |118 |Magus Rod x(0) |206 |Sprint Shoes x 24 | | 57 |Dirk x(0) |119 |Dirk x 93 |207 |Scimitar x112 | | 96 |SwordBreaker x(0) |120 |Imperial x(0) |208 |Flame Sabre x(0) | | 97 |Dirk x(0) |121 |Dirk x(0) |209 |Dirk x 13 | | 98 |Dirk x(0) |186 |Iron Helmet x(0) |210 |Antidote x(0) | | 99 |Dirk x(0) |187 |Dirk x 58 |256 |Economizer x143 | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Item totals - Dirk = Approx. 3295 SwordBreaker = Approx. 256 Flame Sabre = Approx. 256 Scimitar = 112 Imperial = Approx. 256 Poison Rod = Approx. 256 Magus Rod = Approx. 256 Rainbow Brsh = 112 Iron Helmet = Approx. 256 Power Sash = 178 Tao Robe = Approx. 256 AutoCrossBow = 240 Zephyr Cape = Approx. 256 Economizer = 143 Gem Box = Approx. 256 Sprint Shoes = 24 Antidote = Approx. 256 Other effects - N/A ------ 41FFh: Escapable, use only on overworld map (blackout upon running in towns/ ------ dungeons). Visual description - Palette and graphic glitches, command menu changed to Short, character sprites changed temporarily, the second character to Leo most notably. Item list (33 "different" Items total) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Slot |Item |Slot |Item |Slot |Item | |-----|------------------|-----|------------------|-----|------------------| | 51 |Iron Helmet x 94 |100 |Dirk x(0) |188 |Excalibur x(0) | | 52 |TortoiseShld x172 |101 |Dirk x(0) |189 |Dirk x(0) | | 53 |Bone Club x251 |115 |Rainbow Brsh x(0) |190 |Dirk x(0) | | 54 |Hair Band x(0) |116 |Dirk x(0) |191 |Dirk x(0) | | 55 |Dirk x232 |117 |Dirk x(0) |205 |Mithril Rod x111 | | 56 |Czarina Ring x(0) |118 |Guard Ring x(0) |206 |Tempest x 28 | | 57 |Dirk x(0) |119 |Dirk x 29 |207 |Guardian x112 | | 96 |Economizer x(0) |120 |Drainer x(0) |208 |Dirk x(0) | | 97 |Dirk x160 |121 |Dirk x(0) |209 |Dirk x(0) | | 98 |Flame Shld x 64 |186 |Dirk x(0) |210 |Sky Render x(0) | | 99 |Dirk x(0) |187 |Dirk x 26 |256 |Atma Weapon x(0) | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Item totals - Dirk = Approx. 3775 Guardian = 112 Drainer = Approx. 256 Excalibur = Approx. 256 Atma Weapon = Approx. 256 Tempest = 28 Sky Render = Approx. 256 Mithril Rod = 111 Bone Club = 251 Rainbow Brsh = Approx. 256 Flame Shld = 64 TortoiseShld = 172 Hair Band = Approx. 256 Iron Helmet = 94 Guard Ring = Approx. 256 Czarina Ring = Approx. 256 Economizer = Approx. 256 Other effects - If slot 95 has an item, its quantity will be set to 188. ------ 41BFh: Escapable. ------ Visual description - Palette and graphic glitches, command menu changed to Short, character sprites changed temporarily. Item list (33 "different" Items total) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Slot |Item |Slot |Item |Slot |Item | |-----|------------------|-----|------------------|-----|------------------| | 51 |SwordBreaker x 76 |100 |SwordBreaker x(0) |188 |Hardened x(0) | | 52 |Diamond Shld x 7 |101 |Dirk x 7 |189 |Dirk x 8 | | 53 |SwordBreaker x 95 |115 |SwordBreaker x189 |190 |Beret x(0) | | 54 |Flame Shld x(0) |116 |Cure Ring x 7 |191 |Dirk x(0) | | 55 |Dirk x113 |117 |SwordBreaker x248 |205 |Graedus x201 | | 56 |SwordBreaker x(0) |118 |Green Cherry x(0) |206 |Smoke Bomb x 9 | | 57 |Dirk x(0) |119 |Dirk x248 |207 |ValiantKnife x199 | | 96 |Bard's Hat x 7 |120 |SwordBreaker x(0) |208 |ValiantKnife x(0) | | 97 |SwordBreaker x139 |121 |Dirk x(0) |209 |Dirk x 10 | | 98 |Mithril Mail x 7 |186 |Blossom x 8 |210 |Force Shld x(0) | | 99 |Dirk x189 |187 |Graedus x 39 |256 |Coin Toss x 11 | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Item totals - Dirk = Approx. 1343 SwordBreaker = Approx. 1515 Graedus = 240 ValiantKnife = Approx. 455 Blossom = 8 Hardened = Approx. 256 Diamond Shld = 7 Flame Shld = Approx. 256 Force Shld = Approx. 256 Beret = Approx. 256 Bard's Hat = 7 Mithril Mail = 7 Cure Ring = 7 Coin Toss = 11 Green Cherry = Approx. 256 Smoke Bomb = 9 Other effects - N/A -------------------- Mould 2 -------------------- 417Fh: Crashes. 41FFh: Crashes. 41BFh: Crashes. -------------------- Mould 3 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable, tends to crash. 41FFh: Inescapable. 41BFh: Inescapable. -------------------- Mould 4 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable. 41FFh: Inescapable, tends to crash. ------ 41BFh: Escapable. ------ Visual description - Palette and graphic glitches, character sprites changed temporarily, command menu options temporarily changed. This one is most notable for making your team look like an all-Terra party. Item list (27 "different" Items total) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Slot |Item |Slot |Item |Slot |Item | |-----|------------------|-----|------------------|-----|------------------| | 52 |Rainbow Brsh x255 | 93 |Dirk x 10 |188 |Assassin x(0) | | 53 |MithrilKnife x 12 | 94 |Buckler x(0) |189 |Dirk x255 | | 54 |RegalCutlass x(0) | 95 |Dirk x255 |191 |Dirk x(0) | | 55 |Dirk x 5 | 96 |Heal Rod x255 |205 |MithrilKnife x 12 | | 56 |Flail x(0) | 97 |MithrilKnife x 12 |206 |Crystal x 7 | | 57 |Dirk x(0) | 98 |Falchion x 7 |207 |Mithril Pike x255 | | 90 |Thunder Rod x255 | 99 |Dirk x 90 |209 |Dirk x 9 | | 91 |MithrilKnife x 12 |101 |Dirk x 23 |210 |Dirk x(0) | | 92 |RegalCutlass x(0) |187 |Pearl Lance x 31 |256 |Break Blade x 33 | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Item totals - Dirk = Approx. 1415 MithrilKnife = 48 Assassin = Approx. 256 RegalCutlass = Approx. 512 Break Blade = 33 Crystal = 7 Falchion = 7 Mithril Pike = 255 Pearl Lance = 31 Heal Rod = 255 Thunder Rod = 255 Rainbow Brsh = 255 Flail = Approx. 256 Buckler = Approx. 256 Other effects - N/A -------------------- Mould 5 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable. 41FFh: Inescapable, tends to crash. 41BFh: Inescapable, tends to crash. -------------------- Mould 6 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable, freezes. 41FFh: Inescapable, tends to crash. 41BFh: Inescapable, freezes. -------------------- Mould 7 -------------------- ------ 417Fh: Escapable, use only on overworld map, save and reload after use. ------ Visual description - Slight palette disturbances, cursor may disappear or have graphic errors. Item list (78 "different" Items total) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Slot |Item |Slot |Item |Slot |Item | |-----|------------------|-----|------------------|-----|------------------| | 45 |MithrilKnife x(0) |190 |Dirk x(0) |217 |Dirk x 80 | | 46 |Dirk x(0) |191 |Dirk x128 |218 |Imp Halberd x 27 | | 47 |Dirk x127 |193 |Dirk x(0) |219 |Dirk x 19 | | 48 |Rainbow Brsh x(0) |194 |Dirk x(0) |220 |Sky Render x(0) | | 49 |Dirk x128 |195 |Dirk x(0) |221 |Dirk x(0) | | 90 |Marvel Shoes x(0) |196 |Dirk x(0) |222 |DaVinci Brsh x(0) | | 91 |Zephyr Cape x(0) |197 |Dirk x(0) |223 |Dirk x 4 | | 92 |Dirk x(0) |198 |Guardian x 1 |224 |Flail x128 | | 93 |Dirk x(0) |199 |MithrilKnife x(0) |225 |Dirk x 14 | | 94 |Dirk x(0) |200 |Dirk x(0) |226 |MithrilBlade x 32 | | 95 |Dirk x(0) |201 |Dirk x 1 |227 |Dirk x 64 | |115 |Dirk x255 |202 |Dirk x(0) |228 |Dirk x(0) | |117 |Dirk x(0) |203 |Dirk x(0) |229 |Dirk x(0) | |118 |Dirk x(0) |204 |Dirk x(0) |230 |Marvel Shoes x 32 | |119 |Dirk x(0) |205 |Dirk x(0) |231 |Aura x 84 | |120 |Dirk x(0) |206 |Guardian x 1 |232 |Tack Star x 40 | |121 |Dirk x(0) |207 |Graedus x(0) |233 |Dirk x 24 | |122 |Dirk x(0) |208 |Dirk x(0) |234 |Fire Rod x(0) | |123 |Guardian x(0) |209 |Dirk x(0) |235 |Dirk x 40 | |124 |Fenix Down x(0) |210 |Green Cherry x(0) |236 |Epee x 1 | |125 |Dirk x(0) |211 |Illumina x(0) |237 |Excalibur x 16 | |127 |Dirk x(0) |212 |Dirk x(0) |238 |Graedus x 9 | |186 |Dirk x(0) |213 |Dirk x(0) |239 |MithrilKnife x 13 | |187 |Dirk x(0) |214 |Dirk x(0) |240 |Epee x(0) | |188 |Dirk x(0) |215 |Dirk x 18 |241 |Dirk x 78 | |189 |Dirk x(0) |216 |MithrilKnife x(0) |242 |Green Beret x(0) | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Item totals: Dirk = Approx. 10452 (I may or may not have added this correctly) MithrilKnife = Approx. 781 Guardian = Approx. 258 Graedus = Approx. 265 MithrilBlade = 32 Epee = Approx. 257 Excalibur = 16 Illumina = Approx. 256 Imp Halberd = 27 Aura = 84 Sky Render = Approx. 256 Fire Rod = Approx. 256 DaVinci Brsh = Approx. 256 Rainbow Brsh = Approx. 256 Tack Star = 40 Flail = 128 Green Beret = Approx. 256 Zephyr Cape = Approx. 256 Marvel Shoes = Approx. 288 Fenix Down = Approx. 256 Green Cherry = Approx. 256 Other effects - Item slot 50 is emptied. Also, palette errors and sprite glitches could result, but the most likely after-effect is that the camera in towns/dungeons will no longer move with you. Save/reload to clear this effect. ------ 41FFh: Escapable, use only on overworld map. ------ Visual description - A couple small flashing graphic glitches in the background, no lasting effect. If you don't take notice, you may not even be aware of if you performed the bug or not. Item list (82 "different" Items total) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Slot |Item |Slot |Item |Slot |Item | |-----|------------------|-----|------------------|-----|------------------| | 45 |Illumina x 75 |189 |Dirk x 10 |217 |Dirk x248 | | 46 |Full Moon x 44 |190 |MithrilGlove x(0) |218 |Coronet x144 | | 47 |Flame Shld x 52 |191 |Dirk x184 |219 |Guardian x 4 | | 48 |Muscle Belt x(0) |192 |Soft x 10 |220 |Air Lancet x(0) | | 49 |Dirk x 99 |193 |Epee x228 |221 |Dirk x(0) | | 50 |Mithril Pike x(0) |194 |Thief Glove x 19 |222 |Dirk x(0) | | 90 |Flame Shld x(0) |195 |Dirk x181 |223 |Dirk x 3 | | 91 |Partisan x152 |196 |Morning Star x(0) |224 |Air Lancet x 2 | | 92 |Goggles x(0) |197 |Dirk x 24 |225 |Dirk x(0) | | 93 |Dirk x240 |198 |Echo Screen x248 |226 |Dirk x(0) | | 94 |Ether x(0) |199 |Regal Crown x222 |227 |Dirk x161 | | 95 |Dirk x(0) |200 |Paladin Shld x200 |228 |Mithril Helm x(0) | |115 |Epee x208 |201 |Paladin Shld x 32 |229 |Dirk x168 | |116 |Nutkin Suit x176 |202 |Gold Armor x(0) |230 |Gem Box x(0) | |117 |Graedus x(0) |203 |Dirk x169 |231 |Dirk x206 | |118 |Chocobo Brsh x(0) |204 |ThunderBlade x215 |232 |Smoke Bomb x(0) | |119 |Dirk x 61 |205 |Goggles x223 |233 |Dirk x(0) | |120 |Assassin x(0) |206 |Marvel Shoes x 65 |234 |Dirk x(0) | |121 |Dirk x 31 |207 |Mithril Mail x 55 |235 |Dirk x(0) | |122 |ValiantKnife x 5 |208 |Graedus x(0) |236 |Dirk x 6 | |123 |Atma Weapon x 7 |209 |Dirk x 28 |237 |Partisan x 63 | |124 |SwordBreaker x(0) |210 |Zephyr Cape x(0) |238 |Dirk x(0) | |125 |Dirk x(0) |211 |Dirk x216 |239 |Dirk x 6 | |126 |SwordBreaker x(0) |212 |Red Cap x 48 |240 |Magicite x(0) | |127 |Dirk x(0) |213 |Gem Box x136 |241 |Dirk x 44 | |186 |Bolt Edge x168 |214 |Dirk x(0) |242 |Dirk x(0) | |187 |Rising Sun x 81 |215 |Dirk x(0) | | | |188 |Megalixir x(0) |216 |Goggles x(0) | | | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Item totals - Dirk = Approx. 5669 (I may or may not have added this correctly) Guardian = 4 Air Lancet = Approx. 258 Assassin = Approx. 256 SwordBreaker = Approx. 512 Graedus = Approx. 512 ValiantKnife = 5 ThunderBlade = 215 Epee = 436 Illumina = 75 Atma Weapon = 7 Mithril Pike = Approx. 256 Partisan = 215 Chocobo Brsh = Approx. 256 Full Moon = 44 Morning Star = Approx. 256 Rising Sun = 81 Flame Shld = Approx. 308 Paladin Shld = 232 Coronet = 144 Mithril Helm = Approx. 256 Red Cap = 48 Regal Crown = 222 Mithril Mail = 55 Gold Armor = Approx. 256 Nutkin Suit = 176 Bolt Edge = 168 Goggles = Approx. 735 MithrilGlove = Approx. 256 Zephyr Cape = Approx. 256 Muscle Belt = Approx. 256 Thief Glove = 19 Gem Box = Approx. 392 Marvel Shoes = 65 Ether = Approx. 256 Megalixir = Approx. 256 Soft = 10 Magicite = Approx. 256 Echo Screen = 248 Smoke Bomb = Approx. 256 Other effects - N/A ------ 41BFh: Escapable. ------ Visual description - A couple small flashing graphic glitches in the background, no lasting effect. If you don't take notice, you may not even be aware of if you performed the bug or not. Item list (71 "different" Items total) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Slot |Item |Slot |Item |Slot |Item | |-----|------------------|-----|------------------|-----|------------------| | 45 |Dirk x(0) |189 |Dirk x 80 |220 |Dirk x(0) | | 46 |Dirk x(0) |190 |Trump x(0) |221 |Dirk x(0) | | 47 |Dirk x(0) |191 |Dirk x 60 |222 |Dirk x(0) | | 48 |Dirk x(0) |192 |Paladin Shld x202 |223 |Dirk x(0) | | 49 |Dirk x(0) |193 |Crystal x255 |224 |Dirk x(0) | | 50 |Dirk x(0) |195 |Dirk x 15 |225 |Dirk x(0) | | 90 |Dirk x(0) |196 |Sky Render x(0) |226 |Dirk x(0) | | 91 |Dirk x(0) |197 |Dirk x 70 |227 |Dirk x(0) | | 92 |Dirk x(0) |199 |Crystal x255 |228 |Dirk x(0) | | 93 |Dirk x(0) |201 |ThunderBlade x 50 |229 |Dirk x(0) | | 94 |Dirk x(0) |202 |Sky Render x(0) |230 |Dirk x(0) | | 95 |Dirk x(0) |203 |Dirk x255 |231 |Dirk x(0) | |115 |Dirk x(0) |204 |Mithril Helm x202 |232 |Dirk x(0) | |116 |Dirk x(0) |205 |Crystal x255 |233 |Dirk x(0) | |117 |Dirk x 14 |207 |ThunderBlade x 50 |234 |Dirk x(0) | |119 |Dirk x 14 |208 |MithrilBlade x(0) |235 |Dirk x(0) | |120 |Illumina x(0) |209 |Dirk x255 |236 |Dirk x(0) | |121 |Dirk x 36 |211 |Epee x255 |237 |Dirk x(0) | |122 |Hardened x116 |213 |ThunderBlade x 50 |238 |Dirk x(0) | |123 |Ribbon x255 |214 |MithrilBlade x(0) |239 |Dirk x(0) | |125 |Dirk x 15 |215 |Dirk x255 |240 |Dirk x(0) | |126 |ThunderBlade x(0) |217 |Dirk x(0) |241 |Dirk x(0) | |127 |Dirk x(0) |218 |Dirk x(0) |242 |Dirk x(0) | |187 |Crystal x255 |219 |Dirk x(0) | | | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Item totals - Dirk = Approx. 11565 MithrilBlade = Approx. 512 ThunderBlade = Approx. 406 Epee = 255 Crystal = 1020 Illumina = Approx. 256 Hardened = 116 Sky Render = Approx. 512 Trump = Approx. 256 Paladin Shld = 202 Mithril Helm = 202 Ribbon = 255 Other effects - N/A -------------------- Mould 8 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable, screen eventually goes berserk with colors. 41FFh: Inescapable, freezes. 41BFh: Inescapable, tends to crash. -------------------- Mould 9 -------------------- NOTE: Mould 9 is only used for Tritoch in the normal game. All tests done against formation 487, the only formation available for Sketch bug use. 417Fh: Freezes. 41FFh: Freezes. 41BFh: Freezes. -------------------- Mould 10 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable, screen turns to garbage before blacking out. 41FFh: Crashes. 41BFh: Inescapable, screen turns to garbage before blacking out, might freeze instead. -------------------- Mould 11 -------------------- 417Fh: Blackout/Crashes. 41FFh: Inescapable, screen turns to garbage. 41BFh: Inescapable. -------------------- Mould 12 -------------------- 417Fh: Inescapable, screen eventually goes berserk with colors. 41FFh: Inescapable. 41BFh: Inescapable. -------------------- Mould 13, 14, 15 -------------------- ------N/A------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Special notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are special tips on bug usage that may or may not be reiterated elsewhere. 1. Have an item at 0 quantity? Sell it! Sell one and the item's stock will increase to 255. 2. If after-effects of the bug are making it difficult to use, try backing up your .srm file, saving normally, and reloading. 3. Sometimes the bug puts items in the very last slot (256), a slot you can't see in FF3us because disabling it was how Square fixed the Equip Anything bug. If an item is placed there, you can use the Equip Anything bug with that item, or you can use Arrange to bring the item into your normal inventory so you can access it normally. Note that not all items in 256 will be accessible to the bug (see Mould 1, 41FFh, the Atma Weapons can't be used with this bug because Optimum is hardcoded to never equip certain items, Atma Weapon being one of those). 4. These are groups that act abnormally: NeckHunter/Cruller/Humpty x2 (mould 1, 417Fh) Kiwok/Poppers x3 (mould 1, 417Fh) These groups tend to crash when all enemies are alive. Kill at least one enemy and they may work fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- alphasmart - for informing me about Zone Eater (mould 7 formations) using 41FFh... though he was rather vague on that key detail of spell availability. Assassin - for miscellaneous stuff. I was talking to him when I cracked the bug, and since my AIM log disappeared in an AIM crash, I forget exactly what it is I'm thanking him for. Also for profreading, and for a small correction. I have learned, once again, to always double-check whatever I'm given. :P Djibriel and RuneLancer - Dji's curious questions and Rune's thoughts on breaking down Sketch's item-giving code to an easily decrypted pattern were what led to the formation mould theory. Thanx you two! FC69 - for being the first to contribute a formation (Mesosaur), info on quantities/items being rewritten in some slots without affecting the other, the third Sketch bug trigger, and subsequently the fact that Imp trans- formations affect the unknown byte. The GameFAQs FF3 board and Caves of Narshe boards - For the suggestions and congrats from the people that inhabit both boards. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright ©2004/2005 Master ZED The Unoriginal White Sheet: Final Fantasy 3/Final Fantasy 6/Final Fantasy Anthology copyright ©1994 Squaresoft. I'm not responsible should anything stated in this FAQ/guide do anything. I'm not responsible should anything stated in this FAQ/guide do nothing. I'm not responsible for whatever you or anyone else do with this FAQ/guide or the contents within it. I'm not responsible for whatever you or anyone else don't do with this FAQ /guide or the contents within it. Not to be reposted anywhere else without my permission. All rights reserved. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------