This is the list of all the experience points you must have to attain a
certain level. They apply to all characters and never change. They are as
follows (lvl.-points). Thank you and good night. 1-0 2-32 3-96 4-208 5-400 6-672 7-1056 8-1552 9-2184 10-2976 11-3936 12-5080 13-6432 14-7992 15-9784 16-11840 17-14152 18-16736 19-19616 20-22832 21-16360 22-30232 23-34456 24-39056 25-44072 26-49464 27-55288 28-61568 29-68304 30-35496 31-83184 32-91384 33-100088 34-109344 35-119136 36-129504 37-140464 38-152008 39-164184 40-176976 41-191416 42-204520 43-219320 44-234808 45-251000 46-267936 47-285600 48-304040 49-323248 50-343248 51-364064 52-385696 53-408160 54-421488 55-455680 56-480776 57-506760 58-523680 59-561528 60-590220 61-620096 62-650840 63-682800 64-715368 65-749160 66-784016 67-819920 68-856920 69-895016 70-934208 71-974536 72-1016000 73-1058640 74-1102456 75-1147456 76-1193648 77-1241080 78-1289744 79-1339682 80-1390872 81-1443368 82-1497160 83-1552264 84-1608712 85-1666512 86-1725688 87-1786240 88-1848184 89-1911552 90-1976352 91-2042608 92-2110320 93-2179504 94-2250192 95-2322392 96-2396128 97-2471400 98-2548124 99-2637112